Terapia Occupazionale
La terapia occupazionale è quella disciplina riabilitativa che si occupa di migliorare l’adattamento all’ambiente e le autonomie della persona attraverso attività mirate e training nell’utilizzo degli ausili.
La terapia occupazionale può essere di grande aiuto a persone di tutte le età aiutandole ad essere più autonome, più motivate in modo da affrontare al meglio le varie sfide della vita quotidiana.
- Cognitive-communication disorders are problems with communication skills
- Expressive disorders are problems with putting words together, having
- Dysphagia/oral feeding disorders are disorders in the way someone eats
- Speech-language pathologists, often called speech therapists

Writing and Thinking About Theraphy
Speech therapy may be needed for Speech Disorders that develop in childhood or Speech Impairments in adults caused by an injury or illness, such as Stroke or Brain Injury. These are problems with making sounds in syllables, or saying words incorrectly to the point that listeners.
Receptive Disorders are problems with understanding or processing language problems with putting words together, having a limited vocabulary, or being unable to use language.